quote from cat's cradle
Tiger got to hunt,
Bird got to fly;
Man got to sit and wonder, "Why, why, why?"
Tiger got to sleep,
Bird got to land;
Man got to tell himself he understand.
-- from The Books of Bokonon
re percussions of impulses
Tiger got to hunt,
This weekend, I am watching as many movies as I can stomach that have the word "versus" in the title. Specifically, I am watching movies that pits two entities against each other that have no business doing battle.
Tim-tim has an iPod, and I swear I did not buy it for him. It really scares me that my roommate has the money to buy these things, because 10 years ago, people would have been impressed enough that he could speak sign language, let alone make a living in a human-dominated society. Is he some kind of super chimp, or has chimp-kind evolved to a level on par with human-kind? Or worse, has human-kind DE-evolved to monkey level in a kind of twisted reality show-esque Planet of the Apes kind of thing?